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aquiess statement by Dr Mahendra Shah FAO Rome 18 August
aquiess CEO David Miles & Dr Mahendra Shah visit Dadaab & Wajir 3rd August 2011
Mahendra Shah Quest for Sustainability
Mahendra Shah: 75th Anniversary Celebration
Memories in FAO
Talk with Dr Kostas Stamoulis, Director, Agriculture Development Economic Division, FAO, Rome
World Food Day 2010 - FAO (Rome, Italy)
Security thugs stop informal news conference at the FAO
Mr. Gavin Wall-Chief FAO while giving his speech at The Water Digest Water Awards 2009-10.wmv
Levitatee’s Unlimited Wellness Power Talk with Mahendra Shah President Zen Retreats Bali
Roma - Lewis e Vieira fischiano per la Fao
Social Isolation: Locked Down but soon to soar Free Forever